Blog Post: Day 27 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 245 US new highs and 27 lows; My Successful GLB Tracker table updated daily shows that buying stocks after a GLB and at an ATH can be very profitable.


All GLBs (green line break-outs) are not successful. If I buy one when it occurs, I sell if it closes back below its green  line. Most of the trading gurus I respect made their best gains with stocks going to a series of all-time highs. Use the box below to sign up to receive my blog each time I publish.

4 thoughts on “Blog Post: Day 27 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 245 US new highs and 27 lows; My Successful GLB Tracker table updated daily shows that buying stocks after a GLB and at an ATH can be very profitable.”

  1. @df fad – I think there are quite a few failed GLBs.. some stocks fail for good for the foreseeable future, while others try again shortly after failure and ultimately succeed. BUT.. either way, the failed GLBs if entered can all be cut with minimal damage and the successful ones should by far overcompensate.

  2. @Dr. Wish – I am wondering if you are keeping some sort of GLB anticipation list for a universe of stocks that are of interest, like IBD highly rated stocks for example?

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