Blog Post: Day 20 of $QQQ short term down-trend, it may end Friday! If there is a new short term up-trend and it lasts, this time I will accumulate $TQQQ. If interest rates decline it will cause a stampede back into stocks by persons who have been hibernating in high interest savings accounts and treasuries. There may not be a chance to get in at lower levels. My blog:


Note that  the MACD histogram has turned blue (positive).

3 thoughts on “Blog Post: Day 20 of $QQQ short term down-trend, it may end Friday! If there is a new short term up-trend and it lasts, this time I will accumulate $TQQQ. If interest rates decline it will cause a stampede back into stocks by persons who have been hibernating in high interest savings accounts and treasuries. There may not be a chance to get in at lower levels. My blog:”

  1. Hi Dr. Wish
    You have not added any names to your Selected GLB list in a long time.
    Are stocks just just not meeting your requirements any more?
    Thanks you for the time you put into this blog.

  2. looks pretty good tbh. the rebound was quite intense and easily blew past the 457 – 471 levels where i was expecting some resistance. to me this indicates we’re either looking at the end of the downtrend, or the start of a much much larger downtrend. i threw half my remaining cash at mid-term calls today. cheers.

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