Blog Post: Day 16 of $QQQ short term up-trend; GMI is still Green; 13 stocks at ATH to consider once debt talks are successfully resolved


These stocks traded at an ATH on Friday and are on my watchlist of stocks that have been on IBD or MS lists. They are sorted by close Friday divided by lowest price the past 250 days. They all traded at an all-time high on Friday. VTS, with ****,  is an IPO within the past 250 days.


The GMI, at 5 (of 6) is still on a Green signal.

Blog Post: Day 14 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 94 US new highs and 55 lows; 20 stocks at ATHs, see list, one of them, $ENLT, has IPO break-out, see weekly chart


List contains US and foreign stocks and is ordered by close divided by low price past 25o days. About half have already doubled from their yearly low. Flagged stocks are on my watchlist built from recent IBD and MS lists.

ENLT has had an IPO break-out. See weekly chart.