IBM, Z: green line break-outs; AAPL green line sell signal–last October


I have been buying TQQQ and some individual stocks.   I focus on buying green line stocks breaking to all-time highs, like IBM. Check out this green line break-out of IBM on a weekly chart. (Green line is   drawn on monthly chart and transfers automatically to other time frames.) As long as IBM holds above the green line, I will hold it.


Another break-out stock I am watching is Z. A green line break-out on a recent IPO (initial public offering) can be very significant.


AAPL provides a good example of what can happen when a green line break-out fails. The sell signal occurred last October, around $648. It is important not to marry even a green line break-out stock. If the top green line break-out does not hold, I sell it.
