Blog Post: Day 16 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 6 Stocks having a recent GLB to an ATH: $CWCO, $GDDY, $SKX, $V, $L, $BRO; $CWCO breaks ATH peak from 2007 on above average volume, IBD/MS Comp=99, see monthly and daily charts.
In addition to its GLB today, CWCO caught my eye because it is expected to have earnings in 2023 up +220%. It has also almost tripled its yearly low. MS Accum/Dist rating=A+. Someone is accumulating this stock. Maybe there is a future in seawater desalination? It must not close back below the green line, at 37.49. If it does, that would be a failed GLB and I would sell immediately. If that happens I would buy it back if it closes back above its green line. Note the above average volume up days (black bars) recently on the daily chart.
Very Important Blog Post explaining GLBs: Day 15 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 123 US new highs and 2 lows, 43 at ATHs; $PGR is an example of a successful GLB, see its monthly and daily charts and a list of 16 other stocks with a recent GLB.
The leading successful stocks bought by such greats as Nicolas Darvas, William O’Neil and others are those that go on to a series of all-time highs. These traders tended to buy when a stock hit an ATH, consolidated, and then broke out to a new ATH. That is the idea behind my green line breakout (GLB) setup. I draw a green line on a monthly chart at the price bar during which an ATH was reached that was not exceeded for at least 3 months (bars).
Look at this monthly chart of PHR. In April, PHR reached an ATH= 149.87 that was not surpassed for at least 3 months. That is where I drew the green line and set an alert in TC2000 to tell me when/if it ever trades above that green line. The daily chart below shows that PGR had a GLB on October 13 on unusually heavy volume, a good confirmatory sign. PHR never closed back below its green line (which would be a failed GLB) and closed Friday at 163.72, up +9.2% from the green line. PGR has an IBD/MS Composite rating=96. I always check out IBD/MS fundamental ratings before buying. I want to buy advancing stocks that have great fundamentals.
Buying GLBs can be very profitable during market up-trends, but most people think it is better to buy stocks at lows–WRONG!!! I buy high and sell higher. We want to hitch a ride on the way to the moon. Other stocks I have noticed that recently have had a GLB are: CMG, MSFT, DUOL, MPTI, QLYS, HLT, CAH, CRH, WING, RACE, V, COR, AIR, ITT, L, CNM. Check them out. Why bottom fish or buy stocks way down from their ATHs when there are so many rockets taking off to ATHs and to the moon. It takes a rocket scientist! Once I buy a GLB, I sell immediately if it closes back below the green line. If I miss the day of the GLB, I will buy it afterwards if it exhibits another of my entry setups. I only buy stocks trading above their last green line tops!
The GMI= 6 (of 6) and Green. Time for me to be invested long.