I do not trust this bounce or the green dot signal. The GMI trumps all. Also, I have written that green dot signals work better when the short and longer term trends are up.
Stock Market Technical Indicators & Analysis
All 6 components of the GMI are negative, the first time this has occurred since May, 2016. The QQQ is now below its 30 week average and if the average turns down, I will go to cash in my university pension accounts. My trading account remains in cash and unscathed. I told you many times I am a chicken and exit my trading account quickly when I see signs of weakness. The put/call ratio on Monday =1.16, perhaps extreme enough to suggest a minor bounce. More significant is that T2108=27, well above the extreme reading reached at the bottom in February (see daily chart below). Bottoms are most likely when T2108 falls below 10. Cash is king….
During weak markets like the one we have had recently, I find it useful to mine the daily new high list to create a watchlist of stocks hitting all time highs. A stock that can come through market turmoil and still hit an all time high is a stock that might take off when the market strengthens. That is how I found and wrote about the leader GMCR in April, 2009, when it emerged to an all time high early in the new bull market. Unfortunately, I cannot easily use TC2000 to search for stocks at all-time highs because that system returns a null result on a filter if the stock did not exist in the time period examined. For example, if I wanted to write a formula that gives me all stocks that hit a 10 year high, any stock that was not trading for the full 10 years would drop out. This is a major problem for stocks that came public in the past few years.
To get around this limitation I use barchart.com. I go to that site and click on “Stocks” at the top left, then select “New highs and lows.” When the table comes up, I change the 1 month default drop down to say all-time high. Once I get the spreadsheet of stocks at all time highs, I drag down across all stocks and copy the information. I then open an Excel spreadsheet and paste the information into it. Then I select the column of symbols, copy them and open TC2000. I create a new watchlist for all time highs and paste the symbols into it. I now have a new watchlist containing all stocks that hit an all time high that day. I repeat this process periodically creating a larger watchlist of stocks.
Next I open my all time high watchlist and go to a monthly chart and perform two procedures. First, the barcharts.com list is not perfect and I delete from my watchlist any stock that is not really at an all time high. Second, I draw a horizontal green line at a monthly high that has not been surpassed for three months (3 bars). I then look at each of the stocks to find gems to focus on. I monitor this watch list daily to see if any of the stocks exhibit any of my set-ups for purchase.
As an example, one stock on my recent all time high list had a green line break out to an all time high last Wednesday on above average volume and a green dot signal on Thursday — LULU.
As the GMI is on a Red signal and we remain in a QQQ short term down-trend (D-5), if I buy anything, I will set a very close stop loss to get out if the stock falters.