$AMD holds recent GLB and is ready to explode upward with last night’s earnings–GLBs are a valuable tool Wednesday, July 29, 2020 @ 8:55 am by Dr. Wish GMI6/6 GMI-24/9 T210853%
Blog post: GMI remains green at 5 (of 6) but GMI2 down to 3 reflecting very short term weakening; 76th day of $QQQ short term up-trend Monday, July 27, 2020 @ 11:35 am by Dr. Wish GMI5/6 GMI-23/9 T210854%
Blog post–Very defensive; $QQQ short term up-trend at 75 days is likely nearing end; GLD climbing with dollar sinking; FANG stocks weak Friday, July 24, 2020 @ 8:18 am by Dr. Wish GMI5/6 GMI-25/9 T210860% Look at yesterdays performance of my FANG watchlist that includes 3 index ETFs , GLD, the dollar ETF, UUP, and the 5 “FANG” stocks.