If I had bought TQQQ on Day 1 of the QQQ short term up-trend, I would have beaten almost all stocks. I have demonstrated this strategy many times. The key is to buy TQQQ on Day 1 even though the new up-trend is most suspect. I have also written that a change in the short term trend trend is most reliable after it reaches Day 5. The key to this strategy is to slowly accumulate the triple leveraged ETF. I hope some of my readers have done so. The GMI remains Green. The longer term trend is still down, however.
Blog post: Day 9 of $QQQ short term up-trend; First time >100 (106) new US highs since June 8; 26 IBD/MS stocks at ATH sorted by gain over last year; $CEIX, $LNTH…..
I scanned my watchlist of 807 stocks that had been on IBD or MarketSmith lists in the recent past. These 26 stocks, sorted by close today/close 250 days ago, may include some new market leaders. Note that CEIX is at the top, having almost tripled during the past year. Here is its monthly chart.
LNTH is ranked second.
Here is the full list.