The decline continues; GMI: +3; No new purchases

To my visitors: I am only one trader, not a guru, and not a financial advisor.  I am presenting my own opinions and my own experiences and people are welcome to decide for themselves what, if anything, on this site is of value to them.  Please refer to the additional comments, highlighted in red, at the end of this post.

The down trend in the SPY reasserted itself today and we are in the 8th day of decline (D-8) in the QQQQ. Gmi706  I might add that the Dow 30, as measured by the DIA, also remains in a consistent decline.  The Nasdaq 100 fared better today than the other indexes, with 36% of its stocks advancing.  This compares with 23% of the S&P 500 stocks and only 7% (2) of the Dow 30 stocks.  There were 360 new 52 week highs in my universe of 4,000 stocks and only 13 new lows.  Still, we had 109/170 stocks that hit a new high 10 days ago and closed higher today than they did 10 days ago.  Buying new highs has continued to pay off…………………………………………

I think this remains a good time to be short or in cash.  The stocks on which I own put options  (KRI and LXK)  fell today, giving me a profit.  Some of the stocks I still own (BBY, MW, WFMI) held their own today.  Still, the odds  now favor a decline and I will not make any new stock purchases until the GMI strengthens.

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Please remember that the stock market is a risky place, especially now.  I am not providing recommendations for you to follow.  My goal is to share tools and methods that I have used over the past 40 years of trading, so that you may learn from them and adapt them to your trading style and needs.  While I do my best, I do not guarantee the accuracy of any statistics computed or any resources linked to my blog.  Please consult with your financial adviser and a mental health practitioner before you enter the stock market,  and please do not take unaffordable risks in the current market environment.  See the About section for more statements designed to protect you (and me) as you navigate this market. Past performance does not guarantee future results, but I would rather learn from a former winner than a loser.

SPY reversing? GMI: +3; Buying some stocks and keeping puts

To my visitors: I am only one trader, not a guru, and not a financial advisor.  I am presenting my own opinions and my own experiences and people are welcome to decide for themselves what, if anything, on this site is of value to them.  Please refer to the additional comments, highlighted in red, at the end of this post.

The market is now very divided.  My QQQQ daily and weekly indicators are still Gmi705 negative and in declines.  The daily SPY index, however, is close to turning positive. Over 400 stocks in my universe of 4,000 stocks hit new highs today, the most since I began this blog.  Between 74%-77% of the stocks in the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500 and Dow 30 indexes rose today.  The GMI remains at +3 and the QQQQ is in its 7th day of the decline (D-7).  Tomorrow is a critical day.  We will learn whether the SPY turns positive and whether the QQQQ will follow its lead. I suspect this is the typical earnings release rally……………………………………….

I sold out  my puts on the SPY at a loss, and then I immediately went long stocks.  (I told you yesterday that if I find myself on the wrong side of the trend I have no problem turning on a dime.  It is suicide to marry a scenario that is at odds with the market’s action.) I found so many rockets rising that I could not resist nibbling at such powerful stocks as FTO, BBY, HITK, LCAV, WFMI, HANS and MW.  Of course, I put stops in on all of them in case this rally fades.  I would still be much more confident if the QQQQ and SPY were in synch, but sometimes different market sectors behave in an uncorrelated fashion. Just in case, I have kept my put options on some of the weakest stocks.

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Please remember that the stock market is a risky place, especially now.  I am not providing recommendations for you to follow.  My goal is to share tools and methods that I have used over the past 40 years of trading, so that you may learn from them and adapt them to your trading style and needs.  While I do my best, I do not guarantee the accuracy of any statistics computed or any resources linked to my blog.  Please consult with your financial adviser and a mental health practitioner before you enter the stock market,  and please do not take unaffordable risks in the current market environment.  See the About section for more statements designed to protect you (and me) as you navigate this market. Past performance does not guarantee future results, but I would rather learn from a former winner than a loser.

The trend is our friend; GMI: +3; Interest rates rising; a short list of stocks

To my visitors: I am only one trader, not a guru, and not a financial advisor.  I am presenting my own opinions and my own experiences and people are welcome to decide for themselves what, if anything, on this site is of value to them.  Please refer to the additional comments, highlighted in red, at the end of this post.

You may ask, why do I continually talk about the GMI?  It is because the majority of stocks follow the trend of the general market averages.  It is exemplified by the "M" in CANSLIM.  It is said that about 70% of stocks follow the market trend. If this is true, then why not trade with the odds in our favor?  This is one of the hardest lessons to learn.  In the past, I would lose all of my hard earned trading profits and more, when I kept buying break-out stocks in the inevitable decline that followed a bull move.  According to my analyses, the QQQQ is in day 6 (D-6) of a decline.  Using the TC2005 technical analysis program, I can count how many of the Nasdaq 100 stocks rose over the past 6 days– 38%.  Thus, if I bought a Nasdaq 100 stock on 6/24 and held it through Friday, 7/1, I had a 38/100 chance of having a profitable position.  On the other hand, if I had shorted a stock on 6/24, I had a 62% chance of having a winner.  As they say, the trend is our friend……………………………..

The GMI closed Friday at +3. 701gmi  The Spy and QQQQ indicators continue to be weak. IBD still maintains that the market is in a "confirmed rally."  And S&P thinks we are in for a great second half of the year.  I am not so sure.  I added a new indicator to the GMI box, Stocks in a Short Term Up-trend.  This indicator shows that 42% of the 4,000 stocks in my universe are in an up-trend, down from 55% when this decline began.  Furthermore, only 39% of the Nasdaq 100 stocks rose on Friday, compared to 63% of the S&P 500 stocks and 67% of the Dow 30.  The Dow 30 stocks look terrible to me with the following 20 stocks in a down trend:  UTX, INTC, MO, CAT, JNJ, PG, C, AXP, GE, MSFT, HD, DIS, KO, VZ, MMM, MCD, PFE, DD, AA, MRK.  Get the picture?  Two thirds of the Dow 30 stocks look technically weak to me.  It never fails to amaze me how these market analysts presume to predict the direction of stocks based on their interpretations of the economy.  Don’t they understand that the market always predicts the economy.  We typically find out the economic reasons for a market decline or a rise after it has occurred.  Maybe I should buy puts on the Dow ETF–DIA………………………………………….

It is also curious to me how the pundits cling to a bullish scenario in the face of an aggressive Fed.  I think that it is well known that the market has an up-hill battle when rates are rising (Marty Zweig was a master at using Fed actions to time the market) and there is no ambiguity here. Irx701  The short term interest rate indicator has hit yet another new high.  It looks to me like the Fed will  over-tighten, yet again, and push the economy off the cliff.  Even if they don’t, rising oil prices and heating bills may kill the economy next winter.  When we read all of their market predictions, we must remember that market pundits tend to be overly optimistic–they need someone to buy their stocks from them.  It is rare that a commentator will advise the public to go to cash or to take the short side.  The wise speculators trade both sides of the market and embrace a trend, regardless of its direction.  Don’t take my word for it–read the classics listed on the right………………………………………….

I told you before that I have been successful in avoiding the bulk of market declines since 1998.  I exited the market completely in October, 2000 and got back in after it bottomed.  So, now I sit in cash or short and wait for the trend to develop.  If I am wrong about this decline, I can always reverse direction in an instant.  There is plenty of time to climb aboard a rising market if it is a  sustained multi-month uptrend–the only kind in which I can make big money………………………………..

I am beginning to look for stocks to short.  I ran a scan of the market to find stocks in consistent declines (falling rockets).  One industry that came up a lot was steel and iron mining stocks:  TONS, ROCK, WPSC, AKS, GNA, RESC, CGA.  Another sector that came up often was Telecom services-foreign:  DT, KPN, PT, TCP, SCM, CTC.  Should I add them to my short list?

Happy July 4th holiday to all.

Send your feedback and questions to:

Please remember that the stock market is a risky place, especially now.  I am not providing recommendations for you to follow.  My goal is to share tools and methods that I have used over the past 40 years of trading, so that you may learn from them and adapt them to your trading style and needs.  While I do my best, I do not guarantee the accuracy of any statistics computed or any resources linked to my blog.  Please consult with your financial adviser and a mental health practitioner before you enter the stock market,  and please do not take unaffordable risks in the current market environment.  See the About section for more statements designed to protect you (and me) as you navigate this market. Past performance does not guarantee future results, but I would rather learn from a former winner than a loser.