The GMI is back to one, for the first time since last March, before the 80 day QQQQ up-trend began. The problem is we might be at the beginning of a decline rather than at an end. Time will tell.
GMI: 2; GMI-L: 63; GMI-S: 19; IBD100 stocks underperform; Short or cash
First of all, no one knows how long this decline will continue. Trend followers only know a turn after it has occurred. The GMI got me out of the market unscathed. I am now sitting in cash and have retained my profits from the prior up-trend. But, what to do now? The GMI is 2 and could fall to one as early as Monday. Even my longer term indicators have weakened, with the GMI-L now at 63. Nevertheless, the longer term up-tend of the QQQQ remains intact. As long as the QQQQ remains above its rising 30 week average (now at 45.59), it remains in a Weinstein Stage 2 up-trend. Note, however, that the SPY and IJR have both closed below their 30 week averages. Hence there is a possibility that the tech stocks, reflected in the QQQQ, will continue to outperform other stocks, or follow the others down.
The Worden T2108 indicator (% of stocks above their 40 day average) is now at 15, definitely in market bottoming territiory. But this is not the time to be a hero. Even the IBD 100 stock lists have been slaughtered. As this table shows, almost none of these momentum growth stocks are within 5% of their 52 week highs and only 2-3% of them hit new highs on Friday. At least three quarters of the stocks on the IBD 100 lists over the past year are now below their average price for the past 30 days, somewhat worse than the stocks in the Nasdaq 100 index. Those of us who like to ride growth stocks to new peaks should be completely aware that this is now a low probability strategy.
My goal is not to try to anticipate a market bottom. I buy stocks breaking out to new highs, after they have recovered from a decline. There will be plenty of time to buy (and write calls on) the new leaders after the market has bottomed. In fact, the easiest time to find the new leaders is to check the daily new high list once the dust has settled. The few stocks that come through a decline like this and quickly break out to new highs are the ones I want to own. So I plan to sit in cash and nibble at some shorts while I wait for this market to turn. In spite of what the pundits assert, there is plenty of time to make profits AFTER the market has revealed that it has turned. There is no need to anticipate the reversal; that is usually a futile and costly practice. I will wait for the GMI to climb back above 3 before I test the waters again.
GMI: 2; GMI-S: 25; In cash or short
The GMI is now at 2, and there is no reason to fight the down-trend. I hope you got out when I did when the GMI weakened on Tuesday and Wednesday. There were 513 new 52 week lows in my universe of 4,000 stocks on Thursday, the most since I began posting in May, 2005. There were only 46 new highs. This is not a market to be long in. The Worden T2108 indicator is now at 19. Extreme readings at bottoms in 2001 and 2002 have been as low as 7. So we could go lower, but we are in a level where bottoms occurred in 2004-2006. The thing that bothers me is the brutal selling in financials, homebuilding real estate and retail. It looks like the market is predicting a major down-turn in consumer spending and a financial meltdown…..
Cramer’s four tech horsemen (AAPL, AMZN, GOOG and RIMM) held up on Thursday. He thinks one should still buy tech stocks. However, the bear gets to everyone and it is likely this decline will not end until these stocks cave in too. If I have learned anything the past 40 years, it is that most stocks follow the market averages and it does not pay to be long in anything in a market down-trend. Keep in mind, however, that according to my indicators, the QQQQ (the Nasdaq 100 tech stocks) is still in an up-trend, even though the Nasdaq composite (that also includes financial stocks) is in a down-trend. It is time for me to be short or in cash, even though we may get a bounce soon.
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