Blog Post: Day 24 of $QQQ short term up-trend; When technical analysis fails: $CRDO, my confession


On February 7, I tweeted that CRDO had had a GLB (green line break-out to an all-time high). The green line was at $18.00. In the 7 days after the GLB  CRDO went sideways and then started moving up and reached $19.46 on Tuesday, see chart.  CRDO then collapsed Tuesday evening when the company announced that a major customer was reducing its purchases and the company reduced future guidance. CRDO opened Wednesday at $10.64 and closed at $10.30, down 46.8%. The highest it traded on Wednesday was $11.89.  Social media was abuzz with people who had been harmed by this steep decline. I too had a very small position and sold out Wednesday morning with a small loss.

As the great Jesse Livermore would say, the market had exacted some “tuition” from me and I felt it important to learn something after paying it. I went back and looked at the technicals and could find no warning, even in hindsight, that I should have seen in advance. At the time of the GLB the stock had already shown strength by doubling, it was a nice IPO break-out pattern, it had shown some higher volume  around the GLB, and it had strong fundamentals. On the weekly chart it had a series of weekly green bars in rising volume, another sign of an upward trend. Potential negatives include not substantially higher volume around the break-out and the stock went sideways rather than shooting up after the GLB. CRDO also was far above its last consolidation when it broke-out.  None of these negatives would have been important enough to deter me from buying a little CRDO after the GLB.

I had told my stock buddy, Judy, about CRDO’s GLB. She looked up the company and told me she would not touch it. Why? Because it was headquartered in the Cayman Islands and that was suspect to her. How many great companies are situated there?  In addition, after the debacle, I looked at several credible financial sites that said CRDO was headquartered in California. If I had researched the company more before buying and seen this discrepancy, maybe I would have not ventured in, but I doubt it.

When I buy a GLB I promise to sell if the stock closes back below the green line. I often use a mental stop, if I can monitor it,  so I will not be sold out automatically if it trades below the green line intraday but closes back above it. EVEN IF I HAD A HARD SELL STOP IN, IT WOULD NOT HAVE PROTECTED ME. I WOULD HAVE BEEN SOLD OUT AT WEDNESDAY’S OPEN, AROUND $10.64! STOPS DO NOT PROVIDE 100% PROTECTION.

So what did  I learn? Perhaps to investigate a company more before I pull the trigger. But more likely, not to buy a very large position at a break-out. Much better to average up once a stock proves itself and the volume confirms. But what CRDO did, suddenly revealing bad news after the market closed, is possible with any company.  So it is important to not concentrate too much in a single stock and to even buy insurance with put options to protect a large gain. I also think that such debacles may be much less likely with larger companies that have more of a track record, and are not situated on an island.

Here are the daily, weekly and monthly charts from which to study and learn.

Blog Post: Day 17 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 5 “yellow band” stocks that hit an ATH on Monday, see the list and a chart of $BWMN


Those of you who have followed my blog or workshops (available at the tab on this blog) or have taken my course may remember the yellow band concept. These are advancing stocks that have closed each week above their 10 week averages for at least 10 consecutive weeks or more. The 10 week average is rising above the 30 week average so that one could draw a yellow band in the white space between them. These 5 stocks are yellow band stocks and reached an ATH on Monday. Only one, ALGM, is flagged, indicating its presence on my watchlist of stocks recently on a MS or IBD list. Three of them are already twice their low of the past year, see last column.

This weekly chart of BWMN illustrates the yellow band pattern. Note the recent GLB (green line break-out) and the many weekly green bars. In fact, BWMN has closed each week above its rising 4 week average (red dotted line) for 8 straight weeks, another sign of technical strength. I first wrote about BWMN after its GLB.


Blog Post: Day 16 of $QQQ short term up-trend; Buy $TQQQ on day 1 of this up-trend and it advanced through Friday, +29.5%, beating all but 4 of the Nasdaq 100 stocks and all but 3 of the S&P500 stocks–same incredible results again! See chart


I confess I did buy some TQQQ at the beginning of the new QQQ short term up-trend (green arrow on chart) and posted about it, but allowed myself to get shaken out on 1/19  (red arrow) and did not buy back in. Not buying back in compounded my first mistake. I need to let my computer trade for me because I let myself be shaken out even though my objective rules said that the short term up-trend was still intact :-(. See the daily chart of TQQQ below.

TQQQ even beat all but 4 of the 668 stocks in my aggregate watchlist of recent IBD50 and MarketSmith Growth 250 stocks! If you search my blog on “TQQQ” you will find that I have replicated this analysis and found similar results for years. Maybe it just does not pay for me to try to find winning individual stocks when I can just buy the 3x leveraged ETF, TQQQ. By the way, I also found 16 leveraged ETFs that beat TQQQ!  TSLL, CONL and KOLD were each up over 80%! Remember, however, these leveraged ETFs fall much faster than the underlying index or security when the trend reverses down, so you need a really good exit strategy, especially one better than mine!


The GMI signal remains Green at 6 (of 6). It flashed Green at the close on January 13. I post my QQQ short term trend count in the table below and on each almost daily blog post.