Blog post: Day 67 of $QQQ short term up-trend, since 2006 only 7 of 95 up-trends lasted longer


As my readers know, I compute each evening the number of days that the QQQ has been in a short term up-trend or down-trend. (I have a proprietary objective method for designating changes in the short term trend, so don’t ask for it.) Since 2006 there have been 95 short term up-trends. The current up-trend has now reached 67 days. The longest short term up-trend since 2006 lasted 91 days, from October 14, 2019-February 24, 2020. This was followed by  a 30 day short term down-trend that included the steep March decline. One of the reasons I became so cautious in February was because the up-trend had gone on for so long. The fact that the current short term up-trend has now reached day 67 leads me to suspect the current up-trend will end soon. The ending of a short term up-trend and the start of a down-trend does not necessarily signify a large market decline.  The down-trend could be very short. Nevertheless, I have one foot out the door now. I post the short term trend count, now U-67,  in the GMI table each weekend.


BLOG Post: $DIA still weak, is it a leader or a laggard? GMI= 6 (of 6) and Green; GLB: $VRNS


I closed out my short positions and am largely in cash until we get a resolution regarding the Dow 30 stocks. $DIA is up against its critical declining 30 week average (red line in weekly chart below).  Until we get a firm close above this average, I remain super cautious. The $SPY is not much better off than the DIA. However, the one index that remains in a strong up-trend is the $QQQ.That index ETF contains many of the growth stocks that refuse to break down. If DIA can retake its green line, I think I will get back into this market. So it comes down to this question:  Is the DIA a leader or a laggard in terms of the market’s trend? We shall find our soon. But remember that August and September are typically weaker months and then comes November 4, US election day.


For those looking for break outs, VRNS had a GLB (green line break-out to an all-time high) last week. I sell a GLB immediately if it closes back below its green line. If it re-takes it I buy it back. Some of those are my best trades.