AAPL’s green line is at 237.23.
Stock Market Technical Indicators & Analysis
The weekly set-up is strong after last week’s strong close. The 4wk>10wk>30wk and QQQ closed back above its 4 wk average. And the GMI is at 5 (of 6) and still Green, see table below. The weekly 10.4 Stochastic is now=80.5, evidence of a strong up-trend.
I teach my students that if they miss buying at the time of a GLB, a possible place to buy is when the stock subsequently has a weekly green bar setup. This means that the 4wk>10wk>30 wk and the 4 wk is rising and it had a 20 week high in RS (SPY). The stop loss would be placed just below that week’s low. This assumes one also likes the fundamentals.