How could anyone stay in this stock after it entered a weekly BWR (blue/white/red) down-trend.
In contrast, commodities have been in a weekly RWB up-trend. GMMA charts are great for seeing the trend.
Stock Market Technical Indicators & Analysis
Worden’s T2108 indicator is the percentage of NYSE stocks that have closed above their simple 40 day moving averages. T2108 is available in TC2000 and I list its value every time I post. I consider T2108 to be a pendulum of the market. I tell my students when T2108 falls to single digits they should back up the truck and buy a little SPY, not individual stocks. The market, SPY, will come back, but not all stocks will recover. Then they should buy more SPY only as it moves higher.
I am always afraid to take my own advice because when T2108 falls that low the financial news is horrible and everyone is scared. Now that I am in cash, I hope to take a deep breath, hold my nose and buy some SPY the next time it declines below 10. As this monthly chart shows, T2108 at 30% is far above the level it reaches when major declines have ended. So watch out below….
If you want to know why I began exiting mutual funds in my university pension accounts last November, check out my January, 2022 AAII presentation. Link is in the webinar tab of this blog. Or go here. Here is my 11/21 tweet indicating when I was becoming scared.