Another strong day; GMI: +6 and its track record; Benefits of naked charts; Some Darvas type stocks

Another strong day. There were 522 new highs and only 15 new lows.  61% of the Nasdaq 100 stocks, 76% of the S&P 500 and 83% of the Dow 30 stocks advanced today.  Yes, even the Dow stocks are finally moving up.  The GMI remains at +6 and has been so since this uptrend began on July 8.  Gmichanges728 The chart (click on it to enlarge) shows the changes that have occurred in the GMI since I began posting it in April.  Note that the GMI registered a maximum +6 on July 8 when the QQQQ closed at 37.77.  In this rise as in the prior May rally the QQQQ consistently closed above its rising 10 day moving average (the dotted line).  Since July 8 the QQQQ has closed above its 10 day every day.  Hint: When is the market weakening? Wait for a close below the dotted line.  To make $$$ in this rise one merely could have bought the QQQQ on July 8 or 9 and held on.  Aggressive traders could have bought call options on the QQQQ and made a killing.  Why mess around with individual stocks when one can merely trade this index? Until the 10 day average tops out, I see no reason not to be long Nasdaq 100 type stocks.  As I said weeks ago, if the train is moving in the direction I want to go, I don’t argue with it–hop on.  I can always jump off when it changes direction.  I ignore the economy and the machinations of the pundits and economists—I just follow the dotted line……………………..

Speaking of dotted lines.  I am now going to show you a most unorthodox "Naked Chart.Googunorthodox" This

chart contains 2 moving averages without the daily prices.  The dotted line is the 10 day average and the red line is the 30 day average.  Now it does not take a rocket scientist to see that one could have made a handsome profit by buying when the dotted blue line crossed above the red line. One might even say that the prices obscure the trend.  The trend is sure apparent here, isn’t it?  Fortunately, TC2005 allows me to make any indicator invisible while letting the data be used in the chart.  Do you think you might have been able to hang on to this stock and not be shaken out?  Can you guess what stock this is?  Take a look below.  It’s our friend, GOOG!  Note how the chart with the prices visible actually obscures the pattern of the moving averages.   Goog728 Maybe we could all trade more calmly if we just focused on the two moving averages in Naked Charts.  Even if we can’t avoid looking at the prices, one rule that could be taken from this exercise is to only go long stocks when their 10 day average is above their rising 30 day average.  In case you think this technique only works well for GOOG, take a look at this past winner.  TASR topped out in early 2005 around 33 after doubling in about 4 months.  Here is what the daily 2 average Naked Chart looks like.  Tasr728 Can you see the sell signal at the top?…………………………..

I told you before that the great Nicolas Darvas (see his books listed at right) looked for stocks hitting new highs that have doubled in the past year.  Here is a list of stocks that hit new highs today, doubled in the past year and had triple digit increases in earnings in the most recent quarter listed by TC2005:  NPSN,ATPG,CNXS,ISRG,TZIX,PLCC,TS,NTRI,HP,SWB,FORD,ATRO,USAK,LAN,

POT,JLG,LIFC,HOLX,BTJ,BTU.  This would be an excellent watchlist to research to find the next big market winner–as long as the GMI holds up.

I introduced some new ideas tonight.  I would greatly appreciate your comments.  Please send me your feedback at:

IBD Meetup Group Night; GMI: +6; QQQQ rally leaders; FNM and FRE look sick

Tonight was IBD Meetup night.  A large group of 14 persons came, indicating that interest in the market has returned.  The group could be characterized as being cautious about the market.  It seemed that people were making some money, but were still licking their wounds and their accounts were mainly down for the year.  One of the persons most skilled in IBD techniques was skeptical about the current rally because of its mediocre volume.  Maybe this bull has further to go………………………..

The GMI is still at +6.  The indexes were a little stronger todayGmi727  with 251 new highs among the 4,000 stocks in my universe.  There were 146 successful 10 day new highs–stocks that hit a new high 10 days ago and closed higher today than 10 days ago.  72% of the Nasdaq 100 stocks closed above their 30 day averages.  However, the percentage of stocks in a short term uptrend fell to 51%, suggesting that fewer stocks are following the leaders.  Still, between 59% and 63% of the stocks in the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500 and Dow 30 indexes rose today.  We are in the 14th day of the QQQQ uptrend (U-14)………………..

Since the beginning of this uptrend on July 8, the QQQQ has risen +5.16%.  During that time 70% of the Nasdaq 100 stocks rose–anywhere from 4% to 32%.  The median increase among the advancing stocks was +6%.  However, the top 10 performers rose from 14-32%.  The largest gainers were (percents are rounded):  SNDK (+32%), AMZN (+26%), SSCC (+22%), EBAY (+22%), APCC (+18%) and AMGN (+18%).  The largest decliners were: DISH (-5%), PETM (-5%), JNPR (-5%), VRSN (-13%) and SANM (-15%). The 70% of stocks gaining in this period demonstrates the wisdom of Livermore and O’Neil’s rule to always trade with the general market trend.  Why fight the trend– and the odds…………………………………..

A number of stocks I have been trading showed strength today–HANS, BBY, IVGN, KOMG, SHLD.  And a lot of other growth stocks bounced off of their moving averages.  However, two stocks that look particularly sick are FRE and FNM (I own puts on FRE).  My interest rate indicators continue to climb.  Maybe the higher rates are going to finally kill the mortgage market……………………………….

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Market rebounds; Cramer and NKE and puts; GMI: +6

The market was strong today with many growth stocks finding support at their moving averages.  Gmi726 GMI is firmly at +6 and there were 224 new highs in my universe of 4,000 stocks.  65% of the Nasdaq 100 stocks advanced, 59% of the S&P 500 and 47% of the Dow 30.  We are in day 13  (U-13) of the up-trend.  However, the percentage of stocks in a short term up-trend declined to 53%, the lowest reading  in a long time……………………….

Tonight Cramer panned Nike.  He said that NKE would likely be hurt by the upward revaluation of the Chinese currency.  I did not have to wait for Cramer for a reason to sell NKE.  NKE had been weakening for several weeks.  Nke Note on June 27, NKE had a huge decline to its 30 day average (red line) on its largest volume in months.  During the following 3 weeks it tried to recover and failed.  When it closed below its 30 day average again for 2 days on increased volume I suspected the stock was sick and started investigating shorting it by buying puts in my IRA.  I bought an August 90 put for  4.80 (actually $480 for 100 shares) on 7/25. Each put gave me the right to sell 100 shares of NKE at $90/share through August 19.  If the stock fell to $80 I could buy the stock and execute the option to sell it at 90, thus making a profit of $520 per put (1000-480), excluding commissions.  For every dollar that NKE falls, each put increases in value $100.  One does not have to buy the stock, the put will rise in value and can just be sold at the higher price.  These puts closed at $5.80 today as NKE declined. ………………………..

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