KCI–A cup-with-handle break-out?

The short term up-trend in the QQQQ finished its 6th day on Friday.   I like the fact that AAPL is holding up.   We need to watch the leaders for signs of where the market is headed. I went through the new highs on Friday using the methodology I described last week.   In doing so, I found a stock that appears top have broken out from a cup-with handle pattern.   So, I am showing it below to provide my class with an example of this important bullish pattern, described by William O’Neil in his book (listed to the lower right).

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Short term down-trend ending?


A rise in the QQQQ on Thursday and Friday will likely turn my trend indicator up.   Wednesday was the 18th day of the short term down-trend. However, there were 167 new highs in my universe of 4,000 stocks on Wednesday, the most since January 21. And 53% of the Nasdaq 100 stocks closed above their 30 day averages. With the indexes up against their key moving averages, it remains to be seen whether they will break through this week.   With many growth stocks getting stronger, I suspect this market is going higher.   The key is to not jump the gun, however, but to wait for confirmation.