I had hoped to produce a new video this weekend but was unable to get to it. Thank you for all of your nice comments. If you missed my video on “sell in May”, please go to last Monday’s post and select the link. The GMI remains at 1 and the GMI2 is at zero. It remains to be seen how long this bounce from oversold levels will last. I remain largely in cash in my trading accounts.
Dr. Wish
29th day of QQQ short term down-trend
Mainly on the sidelines as we approach the long holiday weekend.
28th day of QQQ short term down-trend; Two new Judy’s picks: DDD, SSYS
On the sidelines with small positions. Watching for definitive signs of a real turn. Meanwhile, here are two new Judy’s picks: SSYS, DDD. I have a position in DDD. Both of these have recently bounced off of support and are in the emerging 3D printer business. My stock pick buddy, Judy, loves this 3D concept.