My stock buddy, Judy, has an extraordinary ability to pick stocks based on “concept.” She researches companies and studies their products, management and technicals. If she loves a concept she buys VERY early and holds on patiently. She focuses heavily on biotechs and has picked some big winners. Several years ago, Judy told me about the electric vertical take-off and landing industry (eVTOL) that was just getting off the ground. She said this was a transformative industry that would allow people to travel short distances by an electric vehicle that required small areas to take-off and land. Imagine commuting to an airport or business meeting traveling above all of the commuters on the ground in cars, at 200 miles per hour. She said I should just buy a few shares of each company as a bookmark and wait to see which one would lead the pack. So I bought some ACHR, JOBY, LILM, and EVTL. She knew that some of these companies had airlines, and even the military, investing in them. Think of an electric helicopter without the large blades, an all-electric air taxi! Well it looks like the leader will be JOBY. Look what happened today when they announced that they had received a valuable certifcation from the US government. It will be a while before these vehicles are deployed but I own JOBY and am holding on with my seat belt buckled. Note the massive trading volume on Wednesday. Concept trading can work! Technicals work too! Note the black dots on the chart indicating an oversold bounce (OSB). JOBY’s ATH reached in February, 2021, is $17.00. When/if it passes that price it will be a GLB (green line break-out). But I’m willing to be early on this one too.