So many of the green line break-out stocks have done well. Just note FB, CTRP, WYNN, CVLT, ROST. I have traded all of them. Other stocks of interest that recently broke their green line top include: MDAS, TNGO, TAL, GWR, MSCI, HCA, BIIB, ASGN. Check them out. This daily chart shows that HCA just re-tested its green line top. Note the volume spike at the original break-out.
Dr. Wish
CTRP and GEVA–green line break-outs
I bought some CTRP when it had a high volume green line break-out on Wednesday morning. TC2000 sent me an email alert when the break-out occurred. What a great system! If CTRP falls below its green line I will exit with a small loss.
Tonight I found another green line break-out, GEVA. But first we must always check the news. Is issuing more stock that good?