When all of my holdings are rising quickly, I know it is time to look for at least a pause. I am trying to hold my call options through option expiration on Friday and the stocks I own until the following week when mutual fund window dressing will likely end. For now, I will enjoy the ride….
Meanwhile, my brilliant stock buddy, Judy, has posted a comment (to yesterday’s post) about $RGLS. RGLS is related to $ALNY and $ISIS, two stocks Judy has liked for a long time. She thinks RGLS deserves a look, but it may be bought later at a better price. RGLS is down from an all-time high of 12.89 last July. It would at least have to trade above its 30 week average (red line, currently 8.65) for me to become interested. But over the years, many of the stocks Judy has bought early eventually became huge winners. Check out this weekly chart of RGLS: