The QQQQ is going back and forth over its key 30 day moving average. Time will tell whether this new short term up-trend, now in its 4th day, will hold.
Dr. Wish
How to use IBD 100 and New America stocks and TC2007 to find potential rocket stocks; Market rally begins
I am writing this post primarily to teach my students how I search for potential rocket stocks–stocks that have been launched and appear headed towards new peaks. As I said in class this week, it makes the most sense to buy stocks that have the best fundamentals and technicals. This strategy has been advocated both by Nicolas Darvas and William O’Neil in their extraordinary books (listed at lower right of this blog). Darvas, made a fortune trading in growth stocks in the late 19050’s and said that he liked to buy stocks that were trading at all-time highs and that had already doubled in the past year. So, I am going to show you how I use the great TC2007 stock charting and analysis program to find potential rocket stocks that I research further before buying.
Short term down-trend ending?
A rise in the QQQQ on Thursday and Friday will likely turn my trend indicator up. Wednesday was the 18th day of the short term down-trend. However, there were 167 new highs in my universe of 4,000 stocks on Wednesday, the most since January 21. And 53% of the Nasdaq 100 stocks closed above their 30 day averages. With the indexes up against their key moving averages, it remains to be seen whether they will break through this week. With many growth stocks getting stronger, I suspect this market is going higher. The key is to not jump the gun, however, but to wait for confirmation.