This list is sorted by the close Thursday divided by lowest price the past 250 days. Four have doubled their low price. Note also the next earnings dates and that NVO and LLY hit ATHs today. News from the FDA about their drugs for obesity is due this month. True market leaders show up on ATH lists.
Dr. Wish
Blog Post: Day 16 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 54 new US highs and 46 lows; $COCO reaches another ATH, see accumulation in daily chart and IPO break-out, COCO is riding its 4 wk avg, see 3 charts
COCO had a GLB on 3/24 and the volume shows spikes of buying since February. MarketSmith says COCO has a Comp Rating=94 and AccDis Rating =A+. RS=99. I like the fact that COCO is now 3x its lowest price the past year. And 2023 earnings are projected to rise +371%. Here are the daily, monthly and weekly charts. I have a small position in COCO. COCO is right up against its 15.2 upper Bollinger band and may be extended now. It finds support at its 8 EMA, the upper dotted line.
The monthly chart shows COCO to have an IPO break-out pattern.
This weekly chart shows COCO riding its 4 wk avg, the red dotted line.
Blog Post: Day 15 of $QQQ short term up-trend; $LLY rocketing towards GLB as obesity drug is up for approval, see daily, weekly and monthly charts
$LLY may soon receive approval for their obesity drug, which may prove to be a blockbuster drug. It appears that the stock is rising in anticipation of results from a second Phase 3 trial, expected this month. This could be big if LLY can break above its green line ATH peak at $375.25. I have a very small position and will add to it if we get a GLB (green line break-out). Thanks to my stock buddy, Judy, for telling me about LLY many months ago.