Blog Post: Day 3 of $QQQ short term down-trend; GMI declines to 0 (out of 6), will flash RED at Monday’s close; I do not fight the tide, time to be in cash and/or $SQQQ in my trading account; $WBA in long Stage 4 decline


I cannot remember a time when the GMI declined so quickly. When it turns RED at Monday’s close, both of my short and longer term indicators for QQQ will be indicating a decline. While QQQ is now below its 10 week, 30 day and 30 week averages, it is still in a Weinstein Stage 2 up-trend, for now. The 10/30 weekly chart below shows this. If the 10 week average closes below the 30 week average and the 30 week average curves down, I will begin to exit the mutual funds in my conservative university pension accounts. In 2000, 2008 and 2022, a declining 30 week average helped me to exit the market BEFORE the real decline began. In the past, a reading below 10% in T2108 has been where markets have often bottomed.

In this 10/30 weekly chart, the gray line tracks the weekly close, the dotted line is the 10 week average and the red line is the 30 week average.

Here is the monthly chart of  the T2108 indicator available on TC2000. T2108 measures the percentage of NYSE stocks above their 40 day simple moving average. T2108 currently registers 37%.
$WBA fell again last week, -5.2%. Anyone who understands Weinstein Stage Analysis should have exited long ago. Solid red line is the 30 week average.


Here is the GMI table.




1 thought on “Blog Post: Day 3 of $QQQ short term down-trend; GMI declines to 0 (out of 6), will flash RED at Monday’s close; I do not fight the tide, time to be in cash and/or $SQQQ in my trading account; $WBA in long Stage 4 decline”

  1. Hello Dr. Wish,

    I appreciate your work big time and have a question. It looks like the 10w crossed below the 30w 13 times from 2000-2022, did you sell in all of those instances or are there other factors that overrode? Thanks!

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