Blog Post: Day 6 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 306 US new highs on Friday, 3 lows and 99 at ATH; $QQQ now in daily RWB up-trend, see adapted daily Guppy chart, and Weinstein Stage 2 up-trend


All short term averages (Red lines) are now rising above the longer term averages (blue) with a white band separating them= RWB up-trend. I am slowly accumulating $TQQQ but will exit immediately when short term up-trend ends.

The GMI is Green and at 6, of 6.



1 thought on “Blog Post: Day 6 of $QQQ short term up-trend; 306 US new highs on Friday, 3 lows and 99 at ATH; $QQQ now in daily RWB up-trend, see adapted daily Guppy chart, and Weinstein Stage 2 up-trend”

  1. Hi Dr. Wish – I assume your GMI signal should reflect 8/19/2024, correct? Also, someone mentioned in a comment on another post that there haven’t been many updates on the GLB list. Is that because none have shown up or you’ve been incredibly busy? Thank you for all that you do.

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