More bears than bulls in sentiment survey; 22nd day of $QQQ short term down-trend


It is rare that one sees more bears than bulls in this popular Investors Intelligence survey. The last time was at the December 2018 bottom. Let’s not marry the bear scenario.

1 thought on “More bears than bulls in sentiment survey; 22nd day of $QQQ short term down-trend”

  1. Hi Dr. Wish, still trying to work out where you come up with column B and column D in your Excel New Hi New Low worksheet. I have PCF formulas for the number of NH/NL/s, but the successful new hi and successful new low columns still elude me. I see how you convert them to a percent, but getting the raw data from TC 2000 is what I could use.
    L10 <= MINL252.11 and C = MAXH252.11 and C < H10 successful new hi formula from 10 days ago per TC 2000

    Thanks again for your help and thank you for sharing your new hi/ new low concept with us.

    Sincerely, Kevin France

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