The market has weakened considerably. Another down day will likely cause the GMI to signal Sell. I am in cash and a little short in my trading accounts. My university pension remains 100% invested in mutual funds, but I am watching very carefully for any signs of a major down-trend.
dr wish – could you ask a favor of you and your son? a bonus feature for all your readers – i read your blog regularly and enjoy how its simple and i can go go back a few posts to see the trends change. but the further back i scroll the harder it is for me to remember what day of the week. could we get a day of week abbreviation (mon, tue) next to the date? =D thx!
Jason, I have added this feature just for you. Let me know if it’s to your liking. Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for adding this enhancement. It makes navigation easier.
thanks!! much appreciated =D