I loved both the videos and they explain why I quit watching CNBC.
Hey there
One small constructive criticism about your new site. Sometimes when I get notified of a couple of new posts I click on the older one first but when I have finished reading there is no next button to take me to the most recent post as there was in the old blog. I find the navigation here less easy. Can we please have a menu somewhere that lists the last seven posts say so we can see the context and move around more easily.
Hopefully the navigation links I have highlighted at the end of every post will help. Thanks for the feedback!
I loved both the videos and they explain why I quit watching CNBC.
Hey there
One small constructive criticism about your new site. Sometimes when I get notified of a couple of new posts I click on the older one first but when I have finished reading there is no next button to take me to the most recent post as there was in the old blog. I find the navigation here less easy. Can we please have a menu somewhere that lists the last seven posts say so we can see the context and move around more easily.
Hopefully the navigation links I have highlighted at the end of every post will help. Thanks for the feedback!